Developing A Coaching Culture | AC Consultancy
Developing a Coaching Culture in Solihull, Birmingham and the West Midlands.

Developing A Coaching Culture

oranisational coach

02 Feb Developing A Coaching Culture

An MD had reached out to me as he was keen to create a coaching culture throughout his organisation. He wanted to develop his “internal” leaders coaching skills. He explained his vision and explained why he was keen to create a coaching culture throughout the business.

Behaviours were being demonstrated that did not fit with the culture and this had led to a high number of performance management issues.

The leadership style within the team did not encourage teamwork, and there was very little coaching and mentoring.

Behaviours were being demonstrated that did not fit with the culture and this had led to a high number of performance management issues. The behaviours were not always inline with the Company's values.

We worked together on a plan which introduced coaching training, worked with the leaders to ensure they understood their role as a coach, and ran several workshops. We assessed individual coaching styles and gave feedback. Leaders were encouraged to challenge inappropriate behaviours in the right way.

The Senior leaders continued to receive ongoing coaching to develop their coaching skills, continue to have brave conversations and overcome any obstacles to enable them to be good role models for their people. The outcome is all employees are starting to take more responsibility for their own learning and development. More importantly than ever examples are being set and more of the right behaviours are being seen throughout the organisation.